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Vanilla "Hum-mousse": A delightful & delicate low calorie dessert that's cheap and easy to make!

Writer's picture: Dr. Hansra Dr. Hansra

If you enjoy vanilla desserts and pudding then you'll love my original recipe: "Vanilla Hummousse". It tastes just like pudding with a third of the calories and less than a gram of added sugars. Also it has chickpeas added to it so you get a boost of fiber with each serving along with other potential benefits. Dessert hummus has become popular over the years but my original vanilla hummouse it much lighter and contains a smoother texture hence the name “hum-mousse”. The best part is that it's half the price to simply make your own compared with pudding and hummus! I really enjoy this vanilla hummousse with fresh strawberries and blackberries.


  1. Chickpeas, 1 can

  2. Vanilla oat milk (or almond milk), 2 cups

  3. Lily's stevia sweetened, no added sugar white chocolate chips, 1 bag (225g)

  4. Gelatin, 1 small pack/envelope

  5. Vanilla extract, 1 tablespoon


1. Heat on low-medium heat 2 cups vanilla oat milk

2. Add 1 bag of white chocolate chips to the milk

3. Add 1 pack of gelatin

4. Add 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract

5. Heat mixture until all white chocolate chips are completely dissolved

6. Note the gelatin may not completely dissolve (but that's ok because you will blend it)

7. Place the milk - white chocolate chip-gelatin mixture in a blender

8. Strain liquid from canned chickpeas and wash the chickpeas

9. Add chickpeas to the blender and place on high for 2-3 minutes which places a lot of air into the mixture

10. The resultant mixture should be smooth with small bubbles but without any lumps, with a consistency of milk. Make sure the mixture is completely liquefied. If you don't get bubbles it won't make a mousse but rather a pudding

11. Add the mixture to a container and place in the refrigerator overnight (at least 12 hours)

12. Enjoy!

Nutritional information

Vanilla hummousse beats out both pudding and traditional vanilla hummus in terms of nutrition. Vanilla hummousse has a clear nutritional advantage compared to vanilla pudding (1,2). Amazingly my vanilla hummouse barely has any added sugar, less calories, double fiber content compared to hummus (3,4). Also vanilla hummousse is cheaper to make (1-4). Note one serving of both hummouse and traditional dessert hummus = 2 tablespoons.

Smart & Easy Vanilla hummousse owes it's very low added sugar content hence low calorie status to one of it's ingredients: Lily's semi-sweet style baking chips. These chocolate chips taste just like regular chocolate chip with only a fraction of the calories (5). Lily's white chocolate chips are sweetened with Erythritol and Stevia instead of sugar or sucrose. Erythritol is a naturally occurring plant based sugar alcohol that tastes just like sugar and it's very safe for consumption according to research (6,7). Stevia is a sweetener and sugar substitute derived from the leaves of the plant species Stevia Rebaudiana. Stevia extracts are recognized as safe by the FDA and hundreds of research studies (8-10). There are only minimal potential side effects with each sweetener but the benefits (basically not eating excess sugar) far outweigh any risks especially if you only consume minimal to moderate amounts. The chickpeas found in vanilla hummousse are also a healthy source of vitamins and minerals (11, 12), and can help reduce cardiovascular disease (11, 12), type 2 diabetes (11, 12), digestive diseases (11), obesity (12), and some cancers (11).

What's the bottom line?

Smart and easy vanilla hummousse is a far healthier alternative to traditional vanilla pudding and it has a better nutritional profile than traditional vanilla hummus with less calories and sugar and double the fiber. If you enjoy vanilla hummouse also check out my chocolate hummousse recipe!

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1. Instacart Jell-O Ready to Eat Vanilla Pudding. Accessed 08/09/2021.

2. Nutritionix. Jell-O Vanilla Pudding. Calories in Jello Gelatin ( Accessed 08/09/2021.

3. Nutritionix. Vanilla Bean Hummus. Calories in Vanilla Bean Hummus from Delighted By Hummus ( Accessed 08/09/21.

4. Go dairy free. Delighted By Dessert Hummus: Where Have You Been All My Life. Delighted By Dessert Hummus: Where Have You Bean All My Life? ( Accessed 08/09/2021.

5. Lily's White Chocolate Style Baking Chips. White Chocolate Baking Chips - Baking Chocolate | Lily's Sweets ( Accessed 08/09/21.

6. Healthline. Erythritol — Like Sugar Without the Calories? Erythritol — Healthy Sweetener or a Big, Fat Lie? ( Accessed 08/02/21.

7. Storey D, Lee A, Bornet F, Brouns F. Gastrointestinal tolerance of erythritol and xylitol ingested in a liquid. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2007 Mar;61(3):349-54.

8. U.S. Food & Drug Administration. Has Stevia been approved by FDA to be used as a sweetener? Accessed November 24, 2019.

9. Margaret Ashwell. Stevia, Nature's Zero Calorie Sustainable Sweetener. A New Player in the Fight Against Obesity. Nutr. Today. 2015 May; 50(3): 129-134.

10. Healthline. Is Stevia Safe? Diabetes, Pregnancy, Kids, and More. Stevia Safety: Forms, Dosage, and Side Effects ( Accessed 08/02/21.

11. Jukanti AK, Gaur PM, Gowda CL, Chibbar RN. Nutritional quality and health benefits of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.): a review. Br J Nutr. 2012 Aug;108 Suppl 1:S11-26.

12. Wallace TC, Murray R, Zelman KM. The Nutritional Value and Health Benefits of Chickpeas and Hummus. Nutrients. 2016;8(12):766. Published 2016 Nov 29.


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Amrita Hansra
Amrita Hansra
Aug 10, 2021

Definitely will try this recipe today ! Thank you .


Aug 10, 2021

Interesting recipe Dr.D. I will try it out and share feedback from others. Very healthy substitute.🙂👌

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