Looking for a delicious condiment to go with your proteins or vegetables without derailing your health goals? Perhaps you should look into incorporating Tzatziki ( zat-ZEE-key ) into your diet. #Tzatziki is a dip or sauce found in the cuisines of Southeast Europe and the Middle East. It is a smooth, creamy, garlicky condiment perfect for meats, vegetables, and breads and it's super easy to make. Smart and Easy Health's version of Tzatziki uses no oil and 0% fat yogurt to minimize calories without skimping on taste.
1. Cucumber*, minced 1 large, 250 grams
2. Garlic*, minced 4-5 cloves (better if fresh) or garlic powder 3 tsp
3. Greek yogurt, 0% fat, 1 large container, 900 grams
4. Lemon Juice*, 4 tablespoon
5. Dill weed* 3 tablespoons fresh or 2 tablespoons dry bottled dill weed
6. Pepper, 1 tsp
7. Salt, 1 tsp
8. Dill relish or chopped dill pickles, 3 tablespoons (don't use the sweet relish! use the one that taste like plain pickle)
9. Optional 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil (we don't use olive oil, generally it's a good oil but adds 300-400 calories per batch...too much of a good thing!)
*Fresh ingredients taste better and give a more authentic taste

1. Wash and peel cucumber* and finely dice
2. Peel garlic *and mince finely (or use powder)
3. Wash then finely chop fresh dill* (or use dry, bottled dill)
4. Add all ingredients* (1-8) to a bowl and mix until a smooth even texture is achieved
5. Serve now or store in the fridge (keeps 2-4 days)
*Fresh ingredients taste better and give a more authentic taste

What's the bottom line?
Many condiments and sauces have added oils, fats, and sugars that are unhealthy and increase calories unnecessarily. Smart and Easy Health's Tzatziki uses no oil and 0% fat yogurt to minimize calories without skimping on taste. This is a great example of how you can use spices to enhance the flavor of food without adding calories in the form of sugar or fats. Tzatziki goes great with vegetables. If you can increase your vegetable intake you can live longer (1), lose weight (2, 3), reduce cardiovascular disease risk (2), decrease your risk of certain cancers (4-7). For example if you substitute Tzatziki for ranch dressing with your vegetables you would save hundreds of calories but also swap something unhealthy with something healthy that actually boosts your health!
Tzatziki is mainly made with yogurt which is high in protein and has several health benefits including #weightloss (8,9). Studies have shown that yogurt consumption decreases risk of #diabetes, #metabolicsyndrome, and #heartdisease (9). Furthermore, several studies have shown that consumption of yogurt and other fermented foods may improve intestinal health, reduce infections, and enhance #immunity and anti-inflammatory responses (9). The microorganisms present in yogurt is suggested to contribute to these health benefits (9).
The garlic found in Tzatziki also has many health benefits including reduced cholesterol (10) and reduced cardiovascular risks (10). Garlic also has cancer prevention properties (10, 11) and anti-inflammatory properties (11).
"Use spices to add flavor to food rather than excess fats, sugars, or salt. This will benefit your overall health" - Dr. Hansra, MD
Remember: The little things add up to something big when trying to achieve your health goals including weight loss. Substituting Tzatziki for unhealthy dressings or sauces is an example of making small gradual changes in your diet to achieve your #health and #weightloss goals.
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1. Bellavia A, Larsson SC, Bottai M, Wolk A, Orsini N. Fruit and vegetable consumption and all-cause mortality: a dose-response analysis. Am J Clin Nutr. 2013;98(2):454-459.
2. Tapsell LC, Batterham MJ, Thorne RL, O'Shea JE, Grafenauer SJ, Probst YC. Weight loss effects from vegetable intake: a 12-month randomised controlled trial. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2014;68(7):778-785.
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6. Dominique S. Michaud, Donna Spiegelman, Steven K. Clinton, Eric B. Rimm, Walter C. Willett, Edward L. Giovannucci, Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Incidence of Bladder Cancer in a Male Prospective Cohort, JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Volume 91, Issue 7, 7 April 1999, Pages 605–613.
7. Seungyoun Jung, Donna Spiegelman, Laura Baglietto, et al. Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Risk of Breast Cancer by Hormone Receptor Status, JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Volume 105, Issue 3, 6 February 2013, Pages 219–236.
8) Mozaffarian D, Hao T, Rimm EB, et al. Changes in diet and lifestyle and long- term weight gain in women and men. N Engl J Med. 2011; 364: 2392–2404.
9) Car Reen Kok, Robert Hutkins, Yogurt and other fermented foods as sources of health-promoting bacteria, Nutrition Reviews, Volume 76, Issue Supplement_1, 1 December 2018, Pages 4–15.
10) Tattelman E. Health effects of garlic. Am Fam Physician. 2005;72(1):103-106.
11) Schäfer G, Kaschula CH. The immunomodulation and anti-inflammatory effects of garlic organosulfur compounds in cancer chemoprevention. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2014;14(2):233-240.
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